
I’m a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and I purely look after foot and ankle problems. I graduated from Leeds University Medical School with a medical degree. I also have first class honours with distinction Bachelor of science and a Master of science degrees. I am double fellowship trained in foot and ankle surgery as well as a clinical and research fellowship at the world-renowned Foot and Ankle Institute in Baltimore, USA.
I’m an NHS consultant at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, where we see complex foot and ankle problems, that haven’t been solved elsewhere. We regularly see international patients.
I’m involved in foot and ankle surgery teaching and convene several national courses. I’m also extensively involved in foot and ankle research, and have presented this work nationally and internationally.
When I’m away from surgery life, I’m a keen runner, guitarist and I enjoys spending time with my three children, my dog (Buddy), and my whiskey collection!
Mr Welck is extensively published in his field, and is an honorary associate professor at UCL.
He has over 50 peer reviewed publications, book chapters. He presents his work regularly both nationally and internationally.
European Foot and Ankle Society award for best publication in Journal
Nov 2016
BOFAS visiting fellowship award.
Nov 2015
BOFAS visiting fellowship award.
Nov 2014
BOFAS visiting fellowship award.
Nov 2014
Podium Presentation Prize at BOFAS Annual Conference, Brighton.
Oct 2014
The David Marsh MSc Trauma and Orthopaedics Research Prize
July 2009
Lightowler Prize for Orthopaedic Audit
Nov 2006
Watson-Jones Prize for Orthopaedic Research & Audit.
July 2005
The Travel Bursary for Research Presentation
Joint American and British Association of Clinical Anatomists
July 2003
Honours: Final Written Examination.
School of Medicine, University of Leeds
March 2002
Paediatrics Research Prize
Faculty of Paediatrics, Leeds NHS Trust
July 2001
Major Research Bursary for BSc research.
PPP Healthcare Trust.
Highest BSc Examination and dissertation mark
Faculty of Microbiology, University of Leeds